Before start web hosting you should do your homework: On paper, Many website hosting providers appear just about identical on surface. All seem to offer unlimited disk space, unmetered bandwidth, unlimited email, unlimited databases and 24x7x365 support however these are solely a fraction of the advantages to attract customer. however in point of fact there are several variations and that they are important! that is why we've got created this comparison table that shows you the important variations thus you'll select the most effective hosting provider for your wants. we tend to don't compete on unlimited terms that typically are restrictive in many ways and are principally overloaded because of having unlimited everything, rather we offer restricted and realistic quality resources on our premium servers, you'll enjoy when you host your site with us !!
Proprietary Enterprise Grade Computing Platform |
Data Center Mirroring |
High Availability |
Fast RAID 10 SSD |
SAN Storage |
Advanced Hacking Protection |
Multiple Times A Day Server Replication |
Daily Off-Server Data Backups |
Dedicated Memory & CPU |
Limited number of Websites hosted on a Server |
Overloaded Servers - Unlimited Websites hosted on Servers |
Free Website Migration |
WebSite Migration from different control panel |
E-Mail Data migration from different control panel |
No IVR/Call Center - Direct Phone Number |
True No Excuse fast 24/7 Support |
Hosting on low latency Indian Servers |
Optional |
100% Indian Company |
Owned & Operated By |
Solely Indian Owner and Indian Investment |
Generally USA based Owner and Investment |
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